


从苹果核到电器, 电话账单的复印件寄给了昨晚的卡布拉拉餐厅, 你垃圾里的东西是浪费的颂歌.

也就是说,没有什么诗意可言 过度 浪费. 家庭垃圾, 有机厨余垃圾, 和 the 浪费 management system needed to deal with them are some of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions.1

Fortunately, learning how to reduce 浪费 at home doesn’t have to involve dramatic lifestyle changes. 它也不必是压倒性的. 下面是一些实用的建议, you can make 浪费 reduction less of a chore 和 take steps toward a lower-浪费 lifestyle. 


减少浪费始于了解它. No, we’re not talking about holding a therapy session with your 浪费 (although that might help us figure out 为什么 plastics just can’t move on).

我们说的是要准确地理解你要丢弃的东西 为什么.

Knowing your 浪费 habits can empower you to become the eco champion you’ve always wanted to be.


Although we tend to think of 浪费 as a uniform blob of riff-raff 和 rubbish, 事实是,大多数家庭垃圾可以分为五个不同的类别:2

  • 不可回收的无机固体 -任何固体形式的垃圾,不能回收. 不可回收的塑料构成了这类垃圾的大部分, 但小型家用电器也符合这种描述.
  • 有机固体 从薯片到意大利面, 岩石路冰淇淋和枯萎的生菜, 有机固体废物是指丢弃的食品. 有机固体废物还包括一些花园废物.
  • 液体废物 -这类废物包括脏水, 雨水和径流, 有机液体,如烹饪油脂.
  • 可回收的固体 – This type of 浪费 includes forms of glass 和 ceramics, tins 和 metal, 和 paper products. 一些塑料也可以回收利用.
  • 危险废物 -危险废物是指废物你 想要触摸. 这类废物主要包括有毒物质, 易燃, 和 corrosive materials; it also includes discarded household batteries.


Knowing 为什么 you’re discarding something can be just as informative as knowing what you’re tossing.


  • 食物还没来得及用就过期了
  • 你买的比你需要的多
  • 你实际上并不使用这个十大彩票网赌平台
  • 十大彩票网赌平台变得无法使用

Once you know the reason behind a majority of your 浪费, you’ll be able to address it.

例如, 如果你发现你经常因为发霉而扔面包, consider buying a half loaf instead of a full loaf or freezing a portion of the loaf. That way, you can cut back on food 浪费 while still making your famous Italian club s和wich. 


一旦你知道你要扔掉什么, 你将更有能力采取必要的减少浪费措施. One easy way to reduce your 浪费 is to use 和 purchase products with a longer lifespan.

例如, 如果你想知道如何减少塑料垃圾, 考虑购买可重复使用的十大彩票网赌平台,而不是一次性的十大彩票网赌平台. 十大彩票网赌平台如ECOS 洗手液补充包 allow you to cut back on plastic by refilling the same bottle several times.

If you discover you’re tossing a lot of certain kinds of trash—like those plastic bags you use for veggies at the grocery store—consider replacing them with a more sustainable option. 用一个时髦的布袋来装你的农十大彩票网赌平台. Plastic bags 和 other grocery store packaging can be the most common 浪费 found in your home, 但幸运的是,有可重复使用的替代品可用.


When it comes to reusing 和 repurposing, this goes beyond the reusable bag or water bottle. Repurposing old items not only reduces 浪费 but also allows you to show off your creative, DIY side. 

But if you’re not normally a person who sees flower pots in old containers 和 magic in 每一个 mason jar, 别担心. 我们有一些想法可以帮助你开始.

Let your creative (和 浪费-wise) juices flow by trying the following repurposing projects:

  • 寻找“旧”废物的新用途 – Before throwing something away, question whether it might have another purpose. 例如, you could fill mason jars with flour for your pantry 和 plant old utensil drawers with flowers. You can also cut up overworn t-shirts 和 use the scraps for cleaning around the house. 你可以重新利用的“废物”的数量只受你的创造力的限制.
  • 把节俭 – Instead of buying new clothes, scout out your local thrift shop for gently worn items. That way you can help reduce the amount of global 浪费 (和 maybe score some vintage threads that launch a whole new fashion trend).
  • 升级你的礼物 赠送礼物是减少浪费的最简单的创意方式之一. 干净的玻璃罐可以装自制的饼干, 旧cd可以用碎布覆盖,做成定制杯垫, 和 old greeting cards can be cut up to make beautiful DIY gift tags for your creations.

减少浪费对各方都有好处. 你不仅对环境产生了巨大的影响, 但你也在利用回收材料创造创意, 削减开支.


Composting is more than just another way to toss your food 浪费—it can improve the quality of your garden soil 和 reduce greenhouse gas emissions in l和fills. 而不是把你的垃圾桶塞满有机材料, 堆肥使你的废物得到充分利用.

In short, composting speeds up the decomposition process of organic materials. 通过堆肥, 你可以把你的有机食品, 腐烂的食物变成了营养密集的食物, 传说肥料被称为“黑金”.“这是一种减少浪费的简单方法 打造一个更加茂盛的番茄园.

在讨论如何堆肥之前, 让我们深入(比喻)一下, 当然)你应该和不应该堆肥什么.


虽然所有的有机材料最终都会分解,但你不应该添加 每一个 有机材料到你的堆肥堆. 

在某种程度上, 这是因为一些有机十大彩票网赌平台, 比如肉类和奶制品, 闻起来很难闻,因为它们正在分解(相信我们的话). 与此同时, 脂肪含量高的十大彩票网赌平台, 比如食用油和沙拉酱, 不会坏掉的.4


  • 绿色 -“绿色”堆肥材料主要指食品, 但也可能包括草, 叶子, 和其他庭院垃圾. 最好的堆肥食物包括水果和蔬菜废料, 蛋壳, 咖啡渣, 还有茶叶, 因为它们能很好地分解并为土壤提供养分.
  • 布朗 – All organic, non-edible composting materials fall under the “brown” category. 这些材料通常包括枯叶, 纸板, 木屑和树皮, 松草, 和报纸. Adding brown materials to your compost pile helps to balance the moisture level 和 speed up the composting process.

虽然在堆肥堆中添加绿色和棕色材料很重要, 你不应该添加以下内容:

  • 鸡蛋或奶制品
  • 食用油
  • 沙拉酱
  • 化学物质
  • 塑料
  • 宠物不

The reason is simple—when composted, some of these materials smell worse than a l和fill in July. Some attract critters happy to dine on your four-course meal of meat bones 和 bacon grease. 其他人可能会在你宝贵的肥料中添加有毒物质. 所有这些都应该避免.


学习如何堆肥是减少家庭浪费的好方法. 虽然堆肥并不是最难掌握的, proper composting can mean the difference between “black gold” 和 a letter from your homeowners association.


  1. 建造一个堆肥箱. You can either construct a compost bin out of wood or drill holes into a plastic bin. 你甚至可以买一个现成的堆肥箱. 无论你选择哪条路线,确保你的垃圾箱允许空气流动.
  2. 放置“棕色”堆肥,比如硬纸板, 松草, 报纸, 或者将这些材料组合在你的堆肥箱底部. 这样你就不用担心液体会从底部逸出.
  3. 以大致相同的比例加入“绿色”和“棕色”材料. If you discover that your compost pile resembles a steamy sauna overflowing with old foods, 添加更多的棕色材料. 相反, if you discover that your compost pile is dryer than a dumpster in the Sahara, 添加更多绿色材料.
  4. “Stir” your compost bin twice a week with a trowel, h和 rake, or another gardening tool. Stirring your compost allows air to enter your pile, a key part of the decomposition process.
  5. After about six months, you should be able to use your compost in your garden or potted plants. 通过感觉来确保你的堆肥已经完全分解了. 如果它碎了,闻起来像你闻过的最油腻的泥土, 它已经准备好加入土壤了.

正确设置堆肥堆可以帮助你减少浪费 创造美妙的有机肥料. 这是双赢!


One of the best ways to reduce your 浪费 is to avoid creating in the first place. Before you click Buy in an online shop or grab something off the shelf in a store, 花点时间问问自己,你是否 真的 需要它. 在你买之前等几分钟, 用另一个项目分散一下注意力, 和 coming back later to re-think that purchase might just be the most powerful tool you have to reduce your impact on the planet – 和 your wallet.


减少浪费不是一朝一夕的事. 俗话说,一切美好的事物都需要时间(尤其是好的堆肥)。. That said, you can start taking simple steps today towards living a reduced-浪费 lifestyle. 

遵循以上建议, you can turn your 浪费 into potential—和 your potential 浪费 into beautiful projects. Another great way to live more sustainably is to purchase products made in zero-浪费 facilities, 像ECOS 可持续清洁十大彩票网赌平台 都是美国制造的.



4删除垃圾. 5种浪费,你都知道吗? http://4waste.com.au/rubbish-removal/5-types-waste-know/
环境中心. 废物及其对气候变化的影响. http://www.colorado.edu/ecenter/2020/12/10/waste-and-its-contribution-climate-change
U.S. 环境保护署. 通过施肥和堆肥减少食物浪费的影响. http://www.环境保护署.gov/sustainable-management-food/reducing-impact-浪费d-food-feeding-soil-和-composting
U.S. 环境保护署. 在家堆肥. http://www.epa.gov/recycle/composting-home